wotakuye wicakikco: Calling on relatives
The Wraparound Process
"Wraparound is an intensive, holistic method of engaging with individuals with complex needs (most typically children, youth and their families) so that they can live in their homes and communities and realize their hopes and dreams." - National Wraparound Initiative
Wotakuye Wicakikco: Calling on our Relatives, is a unique training that offers the wisdom of the children, families and the professionals, who implemented the wraparound process in North Dakota. Together, the tribes in North Dakota developed a project that incorporated the teachings of their people with mainstream ideas. The project came to be known as the Sacred Child Project. In 1998,
Jon Eagle was hired as a Care Coordinator for the Sacred Child Project, where he implemented the wraparound process with Native American children and families. He was later hired by the Native American Training Institute in Bismarck, ND as a Systems of Care Training Specialist where he developed the first ever Care Coordinator Certification Training and Curriculum, specifically designed to give Native Americans much needed training and resources to work with youth who had Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED).
The Sacred Child Project was a nationally recognized demonstration project, funded by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This training is a culmination of years of experience in utilizing the wraparound process with Native American families. Some of our greatest teachers were the children and families we served and the traditional wisdom their natural supports brought to the table.
Wotakuye Wicakikco is a culturally based approach to the wraparound process. Services We Provide: Systems of Care Training and Development, Wraparound Process Training & Coaching, Wasigla Ekignaka Okihisni (Unresolved Grief), and Equine Assisted Wraparound. Workshops (One or Two Day) Wotakuye Wicakikco (Calling on our Relatives)
Wotakuye Wicakikco (Calling on our Relatives) is a culturally based approach to the wraparound process. This unique training offers the wisdom of the children, families, professionals and natural supports who implemented the Wraparound Process in North Dakota. This training is designed to create a community buy in to support implementing the process in your community.
Specific Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will learn the essential elements of the wraparound process.
2. Participants will gain an understanding of how to develop a Strength, Needs and Culture Discovery.
3. Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of developing positive relationships by finding a balance between professional services and natural supports.
4. Participants will gain helpful strategies on working with children, youth and their families who have complex needs.
In 1998, Jon Eagle SR., was hired as a Care Coordinator for the Sacred Child Project, a nationally recognized demonstration project funded by SAMHSA, where he implemented the wraparound process with Native American families. He was later hired by the Native American Training Institute in Bismarck, ND as a Systems of Care Training Specialist where he developed the first ever Care Coordinator Certification Training and Curriculum specifically designed to give Native Americans much needed training and resources to work with youth who had Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED) and their families.
This training is designed to give communities the training and assistence needed to begin to implement the wraparound process with the children and families you serve.
Specific Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will learn the essential elements of the wraparound process.
2. Participants will learn how to develop a Strength, Needs and Culture Discovery.
3. Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of developing positive relationships, team development by finding a balance between professional services and natural supports.
4. Participants will learn the difference between Professional Services and Natural Supports
5. Participants will learn the difference between service driven and needs driven approaches
6. Participants will learn how to develop strengths based, needs driven plans of care.
7. Participants will gain helpful strategies on working with children, youth and their families who have complex needs.
Coaching Best practice in the field suggest that if Care Coordinators don't receive consisent coaching they can backslide and replicate what is already done in our current delivery system. Coaching is an essential element of implementing the wraparound process. Coaching administrators, care coodinators and families ensures the fedelity fo the process.
"I have personally recommended Jon Eagle Sr., and his warm and effective style of training to many tribal and non-tribal communities, and have seen the positive outcomes produced as these communities begin to implement the practical, common sense lessons he shares to others." -John VanDenBerg, Phd. Vroon VanDenBerg, LLP President